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San Jose

Project: Miro San Jose
Location: San Jose, California
Product: Shinnoki Stardust Walnut, Desert Oak and Raven Oak
Application: Walls
Architect: Vivian Lee of Edmonds & Lee in San Francisco

MIRO is an extraordinary addition to the San Jose skyline; the two tallest towers in the city, this new apartment building offers a cosmopolitan take on a warm yet crisply contemporary residential style. An aesthetic of clean sophistication and sleek materials offers a residential opportunity unlike any other in this vibrant Bay Area city. Throughout, a mix of dense warm surfaces combine with carefully-considered furnishings to create spaces that are at once restorative and enlivening, private and public. The two lobbies are a study in contrasts; one utilizes Shinnoki Stardust Walnut adding a dark element while Shinnoki Desert Oak begins a lighter feature at times accented by Shinnoki Raven Oak. Both create spatial texture by combining articulated wooden slats that line the walls and ceilings to produce a sense of separate space, with smooth polished marble. Marble in both reception areas produces a feeling of deeply luxurious gravity and resonance, working in concert with playful lighting and perfectly-articulated proportions.
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